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The regular price for XX.XX bottle of Denti Strength™ is $120. However, because you made the cut to join the PhytAge Laboratories private test group, you will get XX.XX bottle of Denti Strength™ for $XX.XX. That’s a savings of $50. Better yet, to get our BEST DEAL, order XX.XX bottles and each bottle drops to just $XX.XX – that’s more than $70 off!
"I couldn’t handle another visit to my dentist with him scrapping on my teeth like a chalkboard and the digging under my gums which made them bleed all over the place.
I was ready to give up until I found your presentation online.
I’ve been using Denti Strength™ for three months and I’m already seeing my teeth and gums come back to life. Glad your shipments arrived so fast. Thank you!"
"My tooth pain was so bad that it affected every single part of my life. I could never focus or concentrate on anything without painkillers. My sister bought my first bottle of Denti Strength™ for me.
I’ve seen such a dramatic improvement with the health of my gums and now I have ZERO tooth pain. Best part is my teeth look whiter, too!
I would have paid much more for my six-month supply but I’m glad I didn’t have to. I won’t go a day without Denti Strength™!"